Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Do I want to have sex? How to know if it’s fear vs. intuition talking.

Ever found yourself asking do I want to have sex? Do I actually want to go home with my date? Do I actually want to have sex with my partner tonight? It feels like this question should be so damn simple, but with the years of programming we pick up around sex this question can feel so confusing!! This episode is going to remove the noise and help you find the REAL answer to this question.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

The ULTIMATE guide to full-bodied orgasm.

Want to experience that type of orgasm that shakes through your entire body? That’s so earth shatteringly delicious that the world just melts away? Well this is the episode for you. These three tools won’t only help you reach full-bodied orgasm but they’ll get you out of your head and experiencing more sexual pleasure instead.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

3 ways to immediately take the pressure off sex.

Want to know what the biggest libido killer of them all is? You may have guessed it…. PRESSURE. Hands up if you have felt pressure around sex? Even counting down the days since you last had it and thinking oh man, I’m going to have to find a way to get in the mood so I don’t disappoint my partner…

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

What if the playboy mansion was run by women?

Last week we asked the question what if the playboy mansion was run by women? Well I’ve been fortunate enough to be living in it…. We call it the Pussy Mansion. I desire you to feel this power of community, free from any pressure to perform and to feel so deeply accepted as who you are at your sexual core.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

One simple practice to find your fuck yes in sex.

Have you ever felt clueless when someone asks you “What turns you on?” It makes total sense with every magazine and friend telling you how you should experience sexual pleasure. In this episode I’m debunking a “right” or “wrong” way to turn on and sharing a simple way to always find your fuck yes in sex.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

How to surrender and reach orgasm with ease.

Ever told a date, “it’s difficult to make me cum, don’t worry about it? I used to say this to ever new lover to take the pressure off any orgasmic expectations. But what happens when you say this is you’re saying to yourself and your lover… “My pleasure isn’t important.” Which is why I’m excited to share there’s another way.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Dance your way to sexual ecstasy.

Ever wanted to just snap your fingers and suddenly feel turned on? Oh yeah, me too! But sexual ecstasy isn’t something you can just snap your fingers and suddenly feel, it takes dedication and daily practice to deeply connect to this delicious eros energy inside you. BUT this practice gets to be playful and pleasure filled!!

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

My unconventional blowjob tips.

Ever wanted to know the secret to giving EPIC blowjobs? Well I’m giving it to you in this episode. This episode is for you if you find you’re getting in your head while you’re giving head and you want to experience more pleasure with this sexual act instead.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

How to ask for anything you want.

What’s the impact of you not asking for what you want? Firstly when you don’t ask for what you want, you don’t get it. So you’re missing out on some epic pleasure you could be experiencing!! AND if you’re not asking for what you really want - are you being honest and authentic in your relationships?

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Sensual dirty talk 101.

Have you ever wanted to explore dirty talk but get stuck on what to say OR it ends up feeling super performative? Well in this episode I’m going to share my HOT take on dirty talk that I stumbled into with a new lover and WOW is it powerful.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

How to uplevel your sex life in 2023 with one word.

New Year’s is just around the corner and I’m sure you’re getting a lot of people asking - “What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2023?”. Well let me ask you… “What’s your resolution for your sex life?” I’m sharing how a one word can uplevel your sex life in 2023.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Three unusual secrets to turning on.

I get told a LOT that after working with my clients are having the best sex of their lives. This isn’t because I’m giving them epic sex tips and how tos - it’s because they’re experiencing mindset shifts which radically increases their ability to turn on. Want to know these shifts? Tune in!

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

How to hack your brain for pleasure.

Want to live a life filled with pleasure? But you're bogged down by 100 to-dos. It’s only natural your sensual pleasure and turn on is FURTHEST from your mind. I have the perfect brain hack to turn this all around and allow you to infuse pleasure into EVERYTHING.

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