Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

 Two powerful tools to turn you on in self-pleasure.

Do you desire to ignite and enhance your orgasmic capability and feel more turned on in all areas of your life?

In this episode I am so excited to share with you two powerful tools that every single human has at their disposal which are going to change the game for you when it comes to your orgasmic experience.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

My ULTIMATE guide to energy orgasms.

Have you ever experienced an energy orgasm? Energy orgasms seem to be “in vogue” on the sex coaching scene right now, and I am not complaining about that!

In this episode I’ll share with you what energy orgasms are, how you can teach your body to experience one and ultimately discover how to use them as your sexual superpower!

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

How to release shame and maximize your self-pleasure!

Then it’s time to release the number #1 pleasure killer - shame! 

It blows my mind how much shame we can experience when it comes to self-pleasure. And the worst part is… You’re not born with this. It’s what gets imprinted from society, religion, parents, school, peers and so on.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Enhancing sexual pleasure with Yoni De-armouring.

Have you ever heard of the term yoni de-armouring? In a nutshell.. Yoni de-armoring is all about releasing tension from your vulva and vagina. Trust me this is not just some mystical Tantric “woo-woo” concept, this tool can be an absolute game changer because this tension in the pelvis often arises from stored emotional, physical trauma or even just the everyday stress of life.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

The benefits of Erotic Mindfulness.

Have you heard me talk about Erotic Mindfulness?! Today’s episode is a really special one for me because I’m sharing in depth all about Erotic Mindfulness and how the practices can transform not just your sex life but your WHOLE LIFE! If This is my signature online program and the ONLY program that combines mindfulness with the erotic to get you out of your head and enjoying the pleasure in every present moment.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Sensational self-pleasure Part 3.

Bring on the final episode of a three part series devoted to self pleasure! This one is especially juicy as we dive into the multi-orgasmic states of bliss that are available to you when you cultivate a regular self-pleasure practice. I share my personal story mastering the ability to have energetic orgasms, breath only orgasms, squirting orgasms and so much more!

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Sensational self-pleasure Part 2.

Welcome to a juicy Part 2 of a three part series devoted to self pleasure! My purpose today is to share with you how to remove this pressure around self-pleasure so you can enjoy it and use it as a healing experience to relax, soften and de-stress! One of the biggest reasons why I hear you find it challenging to commit to a regular self pleasure practice is because your life is so busy!!

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Sensational self-pleasure Part 1.

OK - ready to talk about self-pleasure? This topic is something I’ve been wanting to dive into for so long and there is a lot to cover which is why you are receiving a three-part series!!! To kick things off we’re diving into those pervasive narratives of "should" and shame.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

 How to become shameless in sex.

Do you want to eradicate the feeling of shame from your sex life? Yeah! Me too, because this is one of the biggest barriers I see when it comes to allowing yourself to be fully expressed as a sexual being. In this episode I dive into how you can eradicate shame from your sex life and learn how to become shameless. And the truth is…

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

The #1 sex experiment to transform your whole life.

Did you know that when you transform your sex life you transform your WHOLE life? I’m not kidding!! The way you do things in one area of your life, affects all areas of your life. And why is this? When you break free of the shame, the narratives and the conditioning around sex you also break free of these elements outside the bedroom.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

The only thing you need to have epic sex every time guaranteed.

Ever find yourself trapped in your own head when it comes to sex? With layers upon layers of 'shoulds' and 'should nots,' conditioning, shame, and fear, it's easy to lose touch with the present moment. Whether you're exploring self-pleasure or sex with a partner, these barriers can keep you from fully letting go in the moment and connecting with your pleasure.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

 These two things will revolutionise your sex life.

Are you feeling trapped in the day-to-day grind of work and life, with no time left for pleasure? In this episode I am excited to share with you two things that you can take away and implement every single day that are going to infuse pleasure into all areas of your life and supercharge your sex drive!

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

My super simple tantric tools to supercharge libido.

Struggling with low energy levels when it comes to sex? Feel like you’ve lost your libido and there’s nothing left? So often you share with me how challenging it is to get in the mood for sex, that you have 0 libido and end up feeling “broken” because you just can’t feel orgasmic. Luckily Tantra has some delicious answers!

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

The number #1 thing that will transform your sex life instantly!

The number #1 thing that will transform your sex life instantly! It’s time to take radical responsibility for your pleasure. I am going to challenge you in this episode to see where you outsource your pleasure and what you can do to change this instantly. When you do this one thing you’ll transform your sex life in this magic moment…

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

 The surprising secret to a successful sex life.

Ever wondered what the most important thing is for a successful sex life? Let me tell you, on the surface it may not be the sexiest thing you could think of… BUT oh my goddess does it work!!

In this society where you have expectations for instant gratification but when it comes to pleasure it takes commitment & dedication (with so much deliciousness) to have the experiences you really desire!

I’ll dig into the sexy science and how dedication rewires your brain, making pleasure a habit rather than a fleeting moment. I’ll offer you practical tips to swap old habits for new, pleasure-filled rituals that can enhance your intimacy and well-being.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

The secrets of Tantra for multi-orgasmic bliss.

Luckily for you it’s easy and delicious. Tantra teaches you to be deeply present in the moment, to embrace whatever emotions arise and use them as alchemy for multi-orgasmic bliss.

As your host of Unlocked & Unrestricted AND the co-founder of the London School of Tantra, I’m on a mission to demystify these practices, bringing them into the mainstream.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Three steps to the best sex of you life!

Ever wondered what it would take to have the best sex of your life? What if I told you it only took three simple steps? It’s easy to get stuck in this idea of what sex should or should not look like and this overthinking prevents you from enjoying that sexy present moment. BUT when you're able to adopt the mindset of experimentation following my three simple steps this leads to never ending mind-blowing sex.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

The #1 thing you need to spice up your sex life.

Ever felt like your sex life has become stale or stagnant? Or found yourself repeating the same sex moves again and again, wondering, there must be more to sex then this?! Today, I'm spilling the beans on my second secret to epic sex that means your sex life will never be stale again. And the magic ingredient? PLAY.

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Podcast Rosa Maxwell Podcast Rosa Maxwell

Inner critic sabotaging your sex life? Try This!

Inner critic secreting killing your libido?We all know the inner critic voice, the one that tells you you're not good enough, you're doing it wrong, you’re broken because you can’t turn on…

Well, in this episode, I'm serving up the antidote to shut your inner critic down for good - and guess what? It's simple. All you need is to embrace a mindset of curiosity.

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