How to surrender and reach orgasm with ease.

Ever told a date, “it’s difficult to make me cum, don’t worry about it?” I used to say this to ever new lover to take the pressure off any orgasmic expectations when I was receiving.

But what happens when you say this is you’re saying to yourself and your lover… “My pleasure isn’t important.”

I’m excited to share there’s another way. This podcast episode will teach you how you can surrender more into receiving and actually orgasm with delicious ease.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • How you can get out of your head when it comes to someone giving you head

  • What happens when you banish those judgements and embrace pleasure instead

  • Top tips to orgasm with ease as you surrender and receive

  • How to build trust with a partner so you can feel safe to surrender

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One simple practice to find your fuck yes in sex.


Dance your way to sexual ecstasy.