Dance your way to sexual ecstasy.
Ever wanted to just snap your fingers and suddenly feel turned on? Oh yeah, me too! But sexual ecstasy isn’t something you can just snap your fingers and suddenly feel, it takes dedication and daily practice to deeply connect to this delicious eros energy inside you. BUT this practice gets to be playful and pleasure filled!!
My unconventional blowjob tips.
Ever wanted to know the secret to giving EPIC blowjobs? Well I’m giving it to you in this episode. This episode is for you if you find you’re getting in your head while you’re giving head and you want to experience more pleasure with this sexual act instead.
How to ask for anything you want.
What’s the impact of you not asking for what you want? Firstly when you don’t ask for what you want, you don’t get it. So you’re missing out on some epic pleasure you could be experiencing!! AND if you’re not asking for what you really want - are you being honest and authentic in your relationships?
Sensual dirty talk 101.
Have you ever wanted to explore dirty talk but get stuck on what to say OR it ends up feeling super performative? Well in this episode I’m going to share my HOT take on dirty talk that I stumbled into with a new lover and WOW is it powerful.
The sexiest way to make you New Year’s resolutions stick.
I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions and I’ll tell you why… They don’t stick! I know you have a lot of delicious things you'd like embed into your sex life. Which is why I’m sharing a way you can make these New Year’s last and make 2023 the sexiest yet.
How to uplevel your sex life in 2023 with one word.
New Year’s is just around the corner and I’m sure you’re getting a lot of people asking - “What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2023?”. Well let me ask you… “What’s your resolution for your sex life?” I’m sharing how a one word can uplevel your sex life in 2023.
Three unusual secrets to turning on.
I get told a LOT that after working with my clients are having the best sex of their lives. This isn’t because I’m giving them epic sex tips and how tos - it’s because they’re experiencing mindset shifts which radically increases their ability to turn on. Want to know these shifts? Tune in!
Unlock your sex life, unlock your whole life.
If you think about it, the way we treat our sex lives is the way we treat our whole lives. How often do we say “I should want sex.” or “I have to be turned on.”? I’m curious…. Where else do you do this?
How to hack your brain for pleasure.
Want to live a life filled with pleasure? But you're bogged down by 100 to-dos. It’s only natural your sensual pleasure and turn on is FURTHEST from your mind. I have the perfect brain hack to turn this all around and allow you to infuse pleasure into EVERYTHING.
How to stop fearing rejection and ask for what you want.
Want to stop fearing rejection? The simple answer is you’ve got to ask for what you want! Easier said than done when the thought of rejection makes you squirm. That’s why I’m sharing how you can get to the root of your fear, transform it, and really ask for what you want.
After this you’ll never fake an orgasm again.
Ever faked an orgasm? I know I have! And so have the majority of women (and men!) I speak with. Once you’ve listed to this episode of Unlocked & Unrestricted I can assure you, you’ll never have to fake an orgasm again!
The biggest secret to sexual liberation.
Want to feel sexually liberated, and live a pleasure filled life! I know I do… But it can be tricky to get there if you don’t know where to start. In this podcast episode I share with you the KEY to liberating yourself sexually, and it is so simple!…
It’s time to shake up your sex life.
Have you noticed your sexual desires change over the past 10 years? And want to tell your partner that what they're doing just isn't working for you? Well this is the podcast for you. It's going to share why…