The biggest secret to sexual liberation.

Want to feel sexually liberated, and live a pleasure filled life! I know I do…

But it can be tricky to get there if you don’t know where to start. In this podcast episode I share with you the KEY to liberating yourself sexually, and it is so simple! 

Connecting to our bodies is CORE to being able to feel sexually liberated!

Many of the clients that I see are very disconnected from their bodies. And I was no different at the beginning of my journey. We are taught from a young age to suppress our feelings and natural physical reactions. This takes us away from what actually is our physical experience, and in turn away from pleasure.

I share how feeling into our authentic experience in the here and now allows us to drop back into our sensations. As I reflect on my own and my clients’ experiences with this homecoming I end up with three elements showing why connecting to the body is so important. 

  1. Connecting to the body helps us identify what we do and do not like

  2. Connecting to the body and our sensations expands our physical experience of pleasure. If you are more attuned to your body, you will feel more! Simple!

  3. Our sexual liberation is often blocked when we get so stuck in our minds. Connecting to the body helps us get out of our minds in the bedroom. 

Listen to the episode where I share everything you need to know about these three elements and give my top tips on how to truly come home into your body.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • How to identify your likes and dislikes in the bedroom

  • Why it’s important to honour our authentic yesses and no’s and how this expands our experience of pleasure

  • Why authentically expressing your emotions and experiences help you to connect to your body

  • How being more connected to your body and sensations will help you communicate more clearly with your partners and facilitate juicy sex

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After this you’ll never fake an orgasm again.


It’s time to shake up your sex life.