How to have limitless sexual energy
Did you know that your sexual energy is something that not only shifts your sex life…it shifts your whole life!
One of the biggest barriers I see you face when it comes to turning on is...IT’S HARD
But the truth is that tuning into your limitless sexual energy gets to be SO EASY!
My desire is to empower you to see…
How easy it is to be multi orgasmic. ✨
How easy it is to experience energy organisms.✨
How easy it is to have limitless, untapped, sexual energy, so you can experience the power that comes with it! ✨
All it takes is a commitment to a self-pleasure practice. Because trust me your sexual energy is limitless!
In this episode we went deep into:
How to get in the mood whenever you desire to.
A powerful breathwork practice to ignite your turn on instantly.
The biggest thing that’s blocking your energy and the two step process for how to become limitless.
I share a juicy practice on how you can cultivate this limitless energy though your breath alone!
Heads up this is Episode 5 of the Self-Pleasure Summer Fest - 21 days where I am shouting about all things self-pleasure, listen back to all episodes right here.
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As a climax to the 21 days of Self-Pleasure Summer we’re going to have an EPIC free masterclass on the 15th of July. Click here to save your seat