Breast Massage & Breathwork
This practice is designed to bring loving attention to your breasts and body. The practice begins with a nourishing breast massage that comes from the Taoist traditions.
You can use the palm of the hands: this activates a point in Taoism that is connected to the pericardium, the protective layer of the heart, in the palm of the hand.
You’ll begin by massaging down on the outside and up on the inside. This is the releasing direction; which clears stagnation or stuckness in energy.
Then switch directions, going up on the outside and down on the inside. This is the energy building direction; and you can bring in love and life force to the breasts. It is also thought this direction can increase breast size, fullness, and perkiness.
NOTE: Don’t use this second direction if there is anything unhealthy in the breasts (i.e. cancerous cells), because the tradition share it can increase whatever is there.
The second practice includes the breast massage and an energising breathwork practice to bring you deep into the centre of your loving awareness.